09 February 2023

Letter to Chloe

RE: Letter no. 115

Dear Chloe,

JD Salinger’s character Holden Caulfield once expressed an appetite for stories that deviate from their destined middles and ends. He espoused that more interesting tales undoubtedly surface halfway through the telling of a story, and he was whimsically inclined to follow these new tangents; should they usurp the story originally to be told, he said, then so be it.

It was this thought that meandered around my mind after having read your letter. I had decided to walk the couple of miles home from the Naval College and was, like Holden, capriciously choosing streets to walk down. Seeing a girl (whom I initially thought to be you, but now doubt) and a gentleman with dreadlocked hair clustered around a red post box, it reminded me of a letter I had to send. Inquisitiveness led me to the other side, whereupon it became my turn to inspect this gift.

The interstices of life are opportunities not to be squandered. How splendid those chance encounters or conversations that arise from straying away from routine, or indeed from our single-mindedness in sticking to these ways. Gerald Burrill once said: ‘The difference between a rut and a grave is the depth’, and I think it is easy to overlook how the slightest nuance in daily life can snowball into a marvellous shift in mentality from drudgery to pleasure.

Of course, being the timid human that I am, and like Alice (of Wonderland fame), I am very fond of giving useful advice, but seldom follow it myself. I have always been a passive person: lurking on the sidelines until goaded into action by taunt or truth.

Reading your letter made me smile: writing it seemed so logical. It also felt like something I might have done, were I not quite so lazy in my meeting of strangers. It is to be applauded. We fill our lives with people and events and sometimes hopefully ideas, yet somewhere along the line we restrict our vision of what to expect from events, or that openness can’t be offered to strangers. Uneasiness in social situations leads to the modern-day gunslinger reaching for a phone: a weapon singular in its ability to draw a person’s attention down away from others’ faces. Idle minutes at bus stops are disdainfully regarded as wasted, instead of being embraced as an event at which we all share a commonality.

Thankfully there’s still a side of life where people write letters to strangers; it is on this side that I would like to stay.


Kindest regards


04 June 2018


Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.

To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

ee cummings

26 November 2012

The Conceit

Thus we ask now: even if the old rootedness is being lost in this age, may not a new ground and foundation be granted again to man, a foundation and ground out of which man's nature and all his works can flourish in a new way even in the technological [sic] age?


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Something with Curvy Edges

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If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.    -  Anatole France

08 February 2012

Salutational Designs


The advice of the old is like the winter sun: it sheds light but does not warm us.

French source

21 January 2012


"Haba na haba, hujaza kibaba."
(Little by little fills the measure) - Swahili Proverb

15 May 2011

28 April 2011

Nix Never

Accept everything. Build from there.

21 February 2011


Urban Bullbelt

19 February 2011

To Escape?

In culpa est animus qui se non effugit unquam.


16 January 2011

Truant Mystics

"Life is a comedy to those that think.. and a tragedy to those that feel."

Horace Walpole

25 December 2010

Sem Nome

Who is John Galt?

24 November 2010

The Clap & Throw

Guardian of privacy.

16 October 2010


Don't always believe what you think.

Circus adage

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Breathing Room

Le plus difficile dans un voyage, c'est d'arriver.


22 June 2010

Curtains Post Meridian

"I want to witness death because I won't be there to see my own.

Kaset Goya

27 May 2010

Can't Get Used (to)

If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe.

Abraham Lincoln

12 April 2010

drocer º 1

Explanations With a Cheeky Clown

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Vector Operator

Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.


10 February 2010

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“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.”


17 January 2010

Dear Fred,

You will be missed beyond words.

Rest in peace.

15 December 2009

A Certain Distance

"Her life, in fact anyone's life, was no more permanent than these visions in the mirror."

Naguib Mahfouz

22 November 2009

The Deliberation Diaspora

"Is curiosity a torch, or a key?"
